The color chart is used to select the shade of glass blocks you have chosen, please send your orders to the email:
The images provide a preview of the available shades of our color chart, minor and more significant color deviations may be caused by the light used under which the blocks can change their color.
For an accurate selection, we recommend purchasing a “sample set” for a more precise choice of the ideal shade.
Blocks with a Uranium Admixture glow with a green shade under light containing an ultra-violet component.
The prices listed correspond to 1kg, not the entire block. The weight of the block is 2.5kg +/- 2%.
The blocks marked with (*) or as Tempering Changes Colors
have special properties during remelting that allow you to change color hue depending on the cooling curve progression.
Important information regarding the processing of Banasglass glass can be found in the Technical Information tab.
100 - Clear Crystal
280.00 Kč
In Stock
100H - Clear Crystal 2
280.00 Kč
In Stock
109 - Crystal
280.00 Kč
In Stock
110 - Green Crystal
280.00 Kč
In Stock
200 - Yellow
310.00 Kč
In Stock
200/U - Yellow U
360.00 Kč
In Stock
206 - Light Topaz 2
280.00 Kč
In Stock
207 - Champagne
290.00 Kč
In Stock
207/2 - Light Champagne
290.00 Kč
In Stock
208 - Dark Amber
280.00 Kč
In Stock
209 - Light Amber
280.00 Kč
In Stock
210 - Topaz
280.00 Kč
In Stock
211 - Light Topaz 1
280.00 Kč
In Stock
212 - Red Amber
330.00 Kč
In Stock
216 - Light Red Amber
330.00 Kč
In Stock
217 - Red Topaz
320.00 Kč
In Stock
219 - Light Red Topaz
300.00 Kč
In Stock
221 - Honey 1
280.00 Kč
In Stock
222 - Honey 2
300.00 Kč
In Stock
223 -Honey 3
290.00 Kč
In Stock
300 - Light Aqua
280.00 Kč
In Stock
302 - Bright Blue 1
280.00 Kč
In Stock
303 - Bright Blue 3
280.00 Kč
In Stock
305 - Blue
280.00 Kč
In Stock
306 - Bright Blue 2
280.00 Kč
In Stock
307 - Black
280.00 Kč
In Stock
308 - Dark Blue 1
280.00 Kč
In Stock
309 - Dark Violet 1
290.00 Kč
In Stock
310 - Grey Blue
290.00 Kč
In Stock
310/2 - Light Grey Blue
290.00 Kč
In Stock
311 - Blue Violet
330.00 Kč
In Stock
311/2 - Light Blue Violet
300.00 Kč
In Stock
313 - Blue Ametyst
280.00 Kč
In Stock
315 - Ametyst
280.00 Kč
In Stock
315/2 - Light Ametyst
280.00 Kč
In Stock
316 - Dark Violet 2
310.00 Kč
In Stock
317 - Dark Blue 2
280.00 Kč
In Stock
319 - Light Blue 1
280.00 Kč
In Stock
320 - Light Blue 2
280.00 Kč
In Stock
322 - Lalique
300.00 Kč
In Stock
402 - Aqua Blue
300.00 Kč
In Stock
402/2 - Aqua Blue Light
300.00 Kč
In Stock
403 - Aqua Green
280.00 Kč
In Stock
404 - Aqua Blue
280.00 Kč
In Stock
404/2 - Light Aqua Blue
280.00 Kč
In Stock
405 - Watter Aqua Green
280.00 Kč
In Stock
500 - Green
280.00 Kč
In Stock
500/2 - Light Green
280.00 Kč
In Stock
501 - Dark Green Grass
280.00 Kč
In Stock
501/2 - Light Green Grass
280.00 Kč
In Stock
505 - Dark Green 2
280.00 Kč
In Stock
600 - Light Rose
380.00 Kč
In Stock
601* - Light Royalit 1
290.00 Kč
In Stock
602* - Light Royalit 2
290.00 Kč
In Stock
603* - Light Royalit int
400.00 Kč
In Stock
604* - Red
310.00 Kč
In Stock
605 - Lux
330.00 Kč
In Stock
607* - Rosalin
300.00 Kč
In Stock
607x2* - Dark Rosalin
310.00 Kč
In Stock
608* - Rose 2
290.00 Kč
In Stock
609* - Rosalin Light
290.00 Kč
In Stock
610* - Rose 3
290.00 Kč
In Stock
710 - Violet
300.00 Kč
In Stock
711 - Violet Grey 2
290.00 Kč
In Stock
713 - Green Grey
280.00 Kč
In Stock
715 - Brown Grey
280.00 Kč
In Stock
718 - Blue Grey
300.00 Kč
In Stock
722/3 - Light Violet Grey
290.00 Kč
In Stock
726 - Blue Violet
280.00 Kč
In Stock
727 - Khaki Violet Grey
280.00 Kč
In Stock
728 - Blue Violet Grey
300.00 Kč
In Stock
729 - Dark Violet Grey
280.00 Kč
In Stock
730 - Light Blue Grey
290.00 Kč
In Stock
731 - Crystal Khaki Grey
280.00 Kč
In Stock
800 - Dark Blue Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
801 - Light Green Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
801/2 - Light Green Effect
280.00 Kč
In Stock
802 - Aqua Blue Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
803 - Green Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
804 - Yellow Green Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
805 - Yellow Effect
300.00 Kč
In Stock
805/2 - Light Yellow Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
805x2 - Intensive Yellow Effect 1
320.00 Kč
In Stock
805x3 - Intensive Yellow Effect 2
360.00 Kč
In Stock
806 - Rose Effect
330.00 Kč
In Stock
806/2 - Light Rose Effect
310.00 Kč
In Stock
807 - Brown Green Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
808 - Aqua Green Effect
300.00 Kč
In Stock
809 - Dark Green Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
810 - Green Grey Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
811 - Blue Effect
300.00 Kč
In Stock
812 - Light Blue Effect
300.00 Kč
In Stock
812/2 - Light Blue Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
812/3 - Light Blue Effect
290.00 Kč
In Stock
813* - Red Effect
330.00 Kč
In Stock
814* - Light Red Effect
310.00 Kč
In Stock
815 - Light Violet Effect
330.00 Kč
In Stock
817* - Red Rose Effect
300.00 Kč
In Stock
818 - Light Blue Green Effect
360.00 Kč
In Stock
819 - Light Red Green Effect
380.00 Kč
In Stock
OP* - White Opal
330.00 Kč
In Stock
OP-M* - Blue Opal
330.00 Kč
In Stock
OP-U* - Uran Opal
360.00 Kč
In Stock
Sample Set
8,500.00 Kč
In Stock
Available while stock last
260.00 Kč
In Stock
250.00 Kč
In Stock
250.00 Kč
In Stock
250.00 Kč
In Stock
320.00 Kč
In Stock
250.00 Kč
In Stock
ALB - blue
250.00 Kč
In Stock
Value | Discount |
32,5 - 50 kg | 5% |
52,5 - 100 kg | 10% |
102,5 - 200 kg | 15% |
202,5 - 300 kg | 20% |
302,5 - 500 kg | 25% |
502,5 - 1000 kg | 30% |
from 1002,5 kg | 35% |
Item | Value |
Adresa banky | Česká spořitelna, Mírové náměstí 13, 466 28 Jablonec nad Nisou |
Telefon | +420 956 734 150 |
Číslo účtu | 1765041263/0800 |
IBAN | CZ25 0800 0000 0017 6504 1263 |
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